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RobotZhiyitech 4WD Smart Robot Car Kit For Arduino Programming Project Electronic Starter Kits Upgraded V2.0 with Ultrasonic Module |
EMPOWER SCIENTISTS AND ARTISTS OF THE FUTURE For Arduino Education creates the next generation of STEM programs that empower students on their learning journey through middle school, high school, and university and help them thrive. WHY CHOOSE ZHIYITECH? Zhiyitech provide all necessary high-quality made Electronic Components & Supplies with each of our products, so teachers, students and beginners can focus on the learning experiences for Arduino programming. LEARN TODAY, FOR TOMORROW Bring STEM lessons to the real world with zhiyitech hands-on kits built for blended learning. Take you on a fun and inspiring journey through the world of programming and electronics. Description: 1. This product is a smart car based on ATmege328 programming develop board. 2. It can realize four-way tracking function, ultrasonic obstacle avoidance function, and following function. 3. There are mainly four modules: * LM339 four-channel infrared signal detection module * main control module * motor drive module * ultrasonic sensor module 4. The smart car adopts a welding-free installation design. 5. The components are fixed by copper pillars and screws. 6. The circuit connection between each module is connected by DuPont wire, which is simple and convenient. NOTE: Due to the shipping reason, We'll ship the kit in pieces, not an assembled set, and doesn't contain batteries. We can provide a complete tutorial and instructions! PLEASE CONTACT US! Features: 1. The main control board adopts Type C Interface ATmega328 CH340 develop board. 2. The motor drive module uses a typical L298N module to drive a DC motor. 3. The infrared signal detection module uses four infrared light pairs to detect the black line and realize the tracking function. 4. The ultrasonic sensor module uses the HC-SR04 module, through which the distance is measured, so as to realize the ultrasonic obstacle avoidance function. 5. The combination of ultrasonic and two infrared detection modules realizes the car following func0 38493849RUB3849RUB
Zhiyitech 4WD Smart Robot Car Kit For Arduino Programming Project Electronic Starter Kits Upgraded V2.0 with Ultrasonic Module | в Новороссийске
EMPOWER SCIENTISTS AND ARTISTS OF THE FUTURE For Arduino Education creates the next generation of STEM programs that empower students on their learning journey through middle school, high school, and university and help them thrive. WHY CHOOSE ZHIYITECH? Zhiyitech provide all necessary high-quality made Electronic Components & Supplies with each of our products, so teachers, students and beginners can focus on the learning experiences for Arduino programming. LEARN TODAY, FOR TOMORROW Bring STEM lessons to the real world with zhiyitech hands-on kits built for blended learning. Take you on a fun and inspiring journey through the world of programming and electronics. Description: 1. This product is a smart car based on ATmege328 programming develop board. 2. It can realize four-way tracking function, ultrasonic obstacle avoidance function, and following function. 3. There are mainly four modules: * LM339 four-channel infrared signal detection module * main control module * motor drive module * ultrasonic sensor module 4. The smart car adopts a welding-free installation design. 5. The components are fixed by copper pillars and screws. 6. The circuit connection between each module is connected by DuPont wire, which is simple and convenient. NOTE: Due to the shipping reason, We'll ship the kit in pieces, not an assembled set, and doesn't contain batteries. We can provide a complete tutorial and instructions! PLEASE CONTACT US! Features: 1. The main control board adopts Type C Interface ATmega328 CH340 develop board. 2. The motor drive module uses a typical L298N module to drive a DC motor. 3. The infrared signal detection module uses four infrared light pairs to detect the black line and realize the tracking function. 4. The ultrasonic sensor module uses the HC-SR04 module, through which the distance is measured, so as to realize the ultrasonic obstacle avoidance function. 5. The combination of ultrasonic and two infrared detection modules realizes the car following func
Building the Elegoo Smart Robot Car Part 1 - Arduino based robotics project
Building the Elegoo Smart Robot Car Part 1 - Arduino based robotics project
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Solar tracker project , iot projects , science project , Arduino projects , solar project , electric
Solar tracker project , iot projects , science project , Arduino projects , solar project , electric
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
learn Arduino programming in 20 seconds!! (Arduino projects)
learn Arduino programming in 20 seconds!! (Arduino projects)
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Автомобильный комплект Elegoo Smart Robot — Изучите программирование на Arduino! Предоставлено Elegoo
Автомобильный комплект Elegoo Smart Robot — Изучите программирование на Arduino! Предоставлено Elegoo
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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